Twisted Thinking

Welcome my friends, I appreciate you! Glad you're a part of this wild ride, come on over to Discord and let's get to know one another! Kristin
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So glad you've decided to go on this adventure with me. The trip wouldn't be the same without you. Let me express my appreciation by providing you with these extra special benefits:

  •  Extra stuff! You get exclusive access when I create extra episodes, or episodes that are for patrons only.
  •  Special Role-Status! Claim your custom Discord role, which unlocks the #patron-only area of the discord server and various other channels that are locked to the public. This is where you find the patron only community chat, early or exclusive access and anything else that I may add in the future.
  • Prioritized Suggestions! That's right, if you have a suggestion of a quote, situation, meme, or concept you want me to talk about, just drop it in the suggestion box in Discord (or my inbox) and ensure I consider it first. 
  • Early Access! Yep, you get 'em first. At least one day before the next episode airs.* That means you can comment, criticise, or laugh hysterically at me a full 24 hours before anyone else.
  • See your name in lights! I'll add your name as a Producer in the show notes of every episode you're subscribed.
  • You have mail! Physical Holiday/greeting card OR video sent during the month of December. (Your choice because addresses are sensitive!)

And it's possible there are extras that I just decide to do at the time, we'll see.